Clay Collins Music

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Piano Tips

Piano Tips

I studied Classical piano for years and really wouldn’t be the player I am today if it had not been for that grueling period in my life. However, the most impacting experience was a 10 minute session with 57 year black organist in West Texas. My eyes were glued to his fingers and it is the formation of my playing style. I am going share my best tips that I have learned over the years in 10 minute lessons. I am freely giving my secrets just like he did for me.


Peggy Wagoner on August 31, 2010 AT 04 am

I think it’s great that you would share your knowledge of music this way! Thanks! I wish we were close enough for me to take lessons from you!

Christine on August 29, 2011 AT 05 am

Hi, Clay! Looking forward to reading about them! I really appreciate the gift God has given you in piano playing. I’m the girl who normally comes early to church, and I get to watch you all practice in worship. I am just growing in piano playing, myself. I’ve never taken lessons. Someone at a discipleship camp touched my fingers, and air came out of them. Ever since then, by faith, I have been learning how to play. I love the keys!!! So beautiful!